Is it cheap to live in Ribeira Grande?
Yes, it is. The Azores have a low cost of living. Accomodation, restaurants and services are very cheap.
Is Ribeira Grande a safe place?
While you’re here, your only concern will be what to do in your free time. You can find peace and freedom wherever you go.
Are there exclusive discounts to digital nomads?
Yes. By registering on our platform you will be entitled to various discounts in places with the nomadfriendly stamp.
How long can I stay in the azores?
If you stay for less than 90 days, you do not need to apply for a visa. If the length of stay is longer, you must apply for a specific visa to extend your stay up to one year.
How can I get more legal information about nomadism in the Azores?
For the clarification of any doubts, you can contact us through geralcmrg@cm-ribeiragrande.pt.
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